Why is necessary to share your opinion?

As a person who is trying to please anyone and avoid disappointing people in any way, expressing your mind can be fearful. Mostly, people think that one’s mind is a challenge for others. You should know that it is safe to share that it is difficult to share your opinion without offending someone. You may think that this is not your place to have an opinion about specific issues. We are growing in a world where anyone claims that their opinions are facts, and anyone who disagrees is wrong. You should learn ways to share an opinion.

The beautiful thing about having an opinion and share it is an ability to learn and decide whether your opinion is still your opinion in the future. You are the last person who wants to share a controversial thing or discuss a hot topic, and you find someone shares an opinion that you do not agree with, you keep agreeing on something to avoid conflict. You should know that each opinion is necessary, whether it is popular or not.
Why is your opinion important?
One of the biggest reasons why people rarely share their opinions about controversial or heavy topics is that they feel afraid of being told that they are part of problems. This kind of dialogue will create a tense environment where it seems more people who decide that it is better to remain silent. However, you should know some reasons why your opinion is necessary.
People will think that it is also important to realize that not having an opinion is not bad. Since you have so many discussions lately about hot topics and often feel like you are in a war zone, you may feel that you are being judged for not have an opinion when anyone seems to get one. Sometimes when you do not have an opinion, you may feel unsure about what is right and wrong in that situation. It means that you still listen, take attention, and deciding how you feel after you listen to how anyone else feels.

you should know that having an opinion is a good thing since it may change. Life is about learning and changing, people can change their opinions anytime. Admitting that you are wrong is nothing to be ashamed of, and no matter how good you are to express your mind, this is inevitable. You should know that there are so many opinions out there, and you do not understand how they think and what they have been experienced as a human in this planet, but their opinions are still important and they have. It is their rights to share it.
In conclusion
sharing your opinion, or when you have it, it is necessary for the evolution and progression of a social movement in your environment. All voices are important when trying to find out the right path to love and acceptance.